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Short stories, tall ideas.....mythic to modern, grim to whimsical.

Sound Design by Brent Robison and Tom Newton.

Audio Engineering by Tom Newton.

Image above by Bryan Maloney.

The Strange Recital is also available on:  iTunes,  SoundcloudFacebook,  TuneInYouTube, Spotify and iHeart Radio.


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Short stories, tall ideas.....mythic to modern, grim to whimsical.

Sound Design by:
Brent Robison and Tom Newton.

Audio Engineering by Tom Newton.

Image above by Bryan Maloney.

The Strange Recital is also available on:  iTunesSoundcloud,  FacebookTuneIn, YouTube and iHeart Radio.


Against the Grain

by J.K. Huysmans




The House of Wisdom

Released on March 9th 2025

Episode 25031

"Ibn Zakarya was born in the western mountains of Persia, when silk merchants from the east still plied their trade. Even as a half-naked child playing in the dust, he proved himself a prodigy, scratching the shape of the moon in the yellow earth."


A tale of ancient deserts where the boundary between science and magic is blurred. A young man's genius is not always valued. What exactly is "wisdom"?
"Ibn Zakarya was born in the western mountains of Persia, when silk merchants from the east still plied their trade. Even as a half-naked child playing in the dust, he proved himself a prodigy, scratching the shape of the moon in the yellow earth."


A tale of ancient deserts where the boundary between science and magic is blurred. A young man's genius is not always valued. What exactly is "wisdom"?

Narrated by Vic Peterson.

Narrated by Vic Peterson.

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Fabian, a Cubist Biography

Released on February 2nd 2025

Episode 25021

"When he was fifteen Fabian saw the film The 39 Steps, which had just come out. He liked to say that this film was a turning-point in his life. It was an epiphany for him. As he left the cinema he knew that he wanted to make films."


An excerpt from a new novel in which characters invent other characters, and events are both magical and real. What is authorship? Who's in charge here, anyway?
"When he was fifteen Fabian saw the film The 39 Steps, which had just come out. He liked to say that this film was a turning-point in his life. It was an epiphany for him. As he left the cinema he knew that he wanted to make films."


An excerpt from a new novel in which characters invent other characters, and events are both magical and real. What is authorship? Who's in charge here, anyway?

Narrated by Tom Newton.

Narrated by Tom Newton.

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Released on January 5th 2025

Episode 25011

"More than thirty years ago occurred the first of the series of remarkable events I am about to relate. The exact date I can not recall; but it was in November, and, to those familiar with November weather in the Ohio Valley, it is hardly necessary to state that the month is one of possibilities."


The gloomy beginning of a strange Victorian novel...a man alone in a lamp lit room on a stormy night. But is he really alone? Where will this night lead?
"More than thirty years ago occurred the first of the series of remarkable events I am about to relate. The exact date I can not recall; but it was in November, and, to those familiar with November weather in the Ohio Valley, it is hardly necessary to state that the month is one of possibilities."
The gloomy beginning of a strange Victorian novel...a man alone in a lamp lit room on a stormy night. But is he really alone? Where will this night lead?

Narrated by Brent Robison.

Narrated by Brent Robison.

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Released on December 8th 2024

Episode 24121

"Last night I took the riverside walk for the first time in longer than I care to remember. Nothing much had changed. Homeless men and women were still spending the night on municipal benches. Some were asleep; they breathed noisily, or moaned."


Who is this person who walks in the dark hours? Is his city the same as yours? In all temporal planes, humans carry on with lives both harsh and gentle.
"Last night I took the riverside walk for the first time in longer than I care to remember. Nothing much had changed. Homeless men and women were still spending the night on municipal benches. Some were asleep; they breathed noisily, or moaned."
Who is this person who walks in the dark hours? Is his city the same as yours? In all temporal planes, humans carry on with lives both harsh and gentle.

Narrated by Tom Newton.

Narrated by Tom Newton.

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When I Saw the Animal

Released on November 3rd 2024

Episode 24111

"The first time I saw the animal, I’ll admit I was tired. It was late at night and I had been drinking
at a moderate pace for several hours. The animal could have been anything, the way it flashed
across the room, and I was too slow to get a good look at it."


Something has invaded your home. Yes, it's real. Surely you can trust your own perceptions, right? the thing changing?

"The first time I saw the animal, I’ll admit I was tired. It was late at night and I had been drinking at a moderate pace for several hours. The animal could have been anything, the way it flashed across the room, and I was too slow to get a good look at it."
Something has invaded your home. Yes, it's real. Surely you can trust your own perceptions, right? the thing changing?

Narrated by Bernard Cohen.

Narrated by Bernard Cohen.


My Past is Mine

Released on October 6th 2024

Episode 24101

"The voice asked at Eddie Tomlinson's elbow, 'Is this seat free?' Eddie nodded, and hardly looking around, picked up his hat which he had carelessly put on the seat at his side. Then he went back to his contemplation of the wooded hills through which the train was threading its way."


In the 1950's, two men meet on a train...are they strangers or friends? One day, each of their worlds had drastically changed. So much was lost. Are their memories wrong?

"The voice asked at Eddie Tomlinson's elbow, 'Is this seat free?' Eddie nodded, and hardly looking around, picked up his hat which he had carelessly put on the seat at his side. Then he went back to his contemplation of the wooded hills through which the train was threading its way."


In the 1950's, two men meet on a train...are they strangers or friends? One day, each of their worlds had drastically changed. So much was lost. Are their memories wrong?

Narrated by Fred Stelling.

Narrated by Fred Stelling.


Richard and Klokko

Released on September 8th 2024

Episode 24091

"Everyone just wants to be loved a bit more than everyone else. See me and not my
brothers, my sisters, my bandmates. Love me and not my kid. Feel my sadness."


A dead rock star faces his life on a journey home. A lonely fan from the mountains does the same. Paul Smart reads from his novel OVERLOOK, and talks about its origins.
"Everyone just wants to be loved a bit more than everyone else. See me and not my
brothers, my sisters, my bandmates. Love me and not my kid. Feel my sadness."


A dead rock star faces his life on a journey home. A lonely fan from the mountains does the same. Paul Smart reads from his novel OVERLOOK, and talks about its origins.

Narrated by Paul Smart.

Narrated by Paul Smart.

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The Tunnel Diner

Released on August 4th 2024

Episode 24081

"Lightning flashed, thunder cracked, and the diner was instantly in utter blackness. There was a palpable sensation of absence in the air, a sort of death as all electrical vibration in the city ceased in one instant."


A nighttime commuter encounters a hitchhiker in a New Jersey diner, but it's no ordinary meeting. Who is this odd traveler, and what changes will be wrought by his hypnotic powers?
"Lightning flashed, thunder cracked, and the diner was instantly in utter blackness. There was a palpable sensation of absence in the air, a sort of death as all electrical vibration in the city ceased in one instant."


A nighttime commuter encounters a hitchhiker in a New Jersey diner, but it's no ordinary meeting. Who is this odd traveler, and what changes will be wrought by his hypnotic powers?

Narrated by Brent Robison.

Narrated by Brent Robison.

To view and listen to past episodes of The Strange Recital, please visit our archives. Click the link below: